Ranbir Kapoor is sprinkling his magic yet again in his upcoming film Ye Jawaani Hai Deewani. Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone are all set to zest up one of the chartbusting numbers from Mukul Anand’s 1991 hit ‘Hum’. One of the leading newspapers has found that the duo will be grooving to the beats of Jumma Chumma De De which was an extremely famous number in its time. The original song was sung by Kavita Krishnamurthy and Sudesh Bhosle who quiet keenly emulated Amitabh Bachchan’s deep baritone.
However, this time Ranbir Kapoor is all game to render his voice to the recreated version. Both Ranbir and Deepika are super excited to shake a leg on the boisterous, peppy rhythms of this popular song. The naughtiness and fun factor is all over the Bachchan fans Ranbir, Deepika and Ayaan Mukherjee, They have also purchased the rights of Jumma Chumma , confirms Adarsh Gupta, business head, Saregama. Now all we got to do is wait and watch how Ranbir and Deepika recreate similar craze and zeal for this perky song.
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